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Coldsnap Pre-release Weekend, 8-9th July 2006

By Anthony Skinner


It’s nearly here! Coldsnap is the third expansion to hit the streets this year and the set builds on themes from the Ice Age block, which was first released in June 1995. Based on previews from Wizards of the Coast you can expect to see Snow permanents, which builds on the Snow-covered lands theme, the return of cumulative upkeep and a new mechanic called Ripple.


I was initially sceptical of having a fourth set in the mix this year, but looking at the previews I am very positive that not only will the new and old mechanics be fun to play, but the number of multi-coloured cards in the set will fit with the themes from Ravnica.


A comprehensive list of pre-release tournaments can be found on the Wizards website - here


What are the odds that we will have snow for the pre-release! I still remember the blizzard in June in 1984, it could happen again!


Good luck to everyone who is attending,


Best wishes

